383 posts
Posted in Wise Application • 3rd May 2015, 06:33 AM

Here's my wise application:



Reason why: I love wisdom and I was voted in real life as The Wise Dude and I'm pretty wise :)

Other ranks: Member,News Reporter

Important talks: Long time living in the Life Bra Deal With it.

Interview: Hamster's Wise application almost done!

Yeah guys that's pretty much it so yeah hope for me to get it and like :) Thanks for your support doods!

383 posts
Posted in I'm Forgotten. • 1st May 2015, 07:43 AM

I'll get one more chance then.

383 posts
Posted in I'm Forgotten. • 28th April 2015, 03:20 PM

I'm forgotten, I'm going to quit OldCP I maybe come back when I want I been ignored and much more I'm forgotten bye.

383 posts
Posted in Rank Badge Bug? • 12th April 2015, 03:51 AM

Hey guys so lately I been demoted from inactivity by Hashir when I looked at the demotion it said Hashir chamged your rank to master and Hashir changed your rank to member? I barely haven't got the badge of master idk what it is so if you can see this Damen see what you can do about it thanks.

383 posts
Posted in LEGO Empire Pictures • 7th April 2015, 03:13 AM

Hmm interesting, hey Damen can I join my skin is brown/orange hair normal green sweater or hoodie or short of winter
And blue pants

383 posts
Posted in Roberto Becomes Admin • 22nd March 2015, 11:21 AM

Congracts Rob! Take Care!

383 posts
Posted in WHICH IS BETTER • 18th March 2015, 11:35 AM

Minecraft,I played Terraria but since I'm an admin in a server of minecraft I still choose minecraft :)

383 posts
Posted in Minecraft some seeds for PC • 17th March 2015, 10:15 AM

CpFoxy wrote on 15th March 2015 03:21 AM:
But that don`t means ya have to give dislikes. That`s how internet wars starts. And ya can say what ya want about what i said but this Forums it for Damen`s games. I think it a bit weird we talk about Minecraft Damen Spike is one thing Minecraft is another thing. I understan everyone likes Minecraft but it just my opinion. Nice crying penguin and see i gave ya a like. Need more people like me not just giving dislikes and stuff.

Beta Minecraft is a discussion :/ they can, so learn more friend.

383 posts
Posted in Secret Guards of OldCP • 11th March 2015, 03:45 PM

Cool! Agent spy!! Woo!!

383 posts
Posted in Minecraft quiz • 3rd March 2015, 11:06 AM

1. Collect wood
2. In a cave
3. 2009 was playn over
4. He's real, he only spawns for spooking for a reason
5. Notch
6. False 'B'
7. B sometimes or not
8. Diamond
9. B

383 posts
Posted in Art Shop ~Magical Emily~ • 24th February 2015, 02:29 PM

My profile and blue shoes with a black puffle and background green oh and can I have a skateboard with it too! Post me the pic thx!

383 posts
Posted in Hamster's Drawing shop • 23rd February 2015, 01:49 PM

Every drawing is 6 gold so here's some pics I drew post me a pic of your pengy so I could draw it for only 6 gold


383 posts
Posted in Imperial Bank Updates and Applications • 23rd February 2015, 12:08 PM

I would like to apply for Banker too.

Introduction: I'm hamster the rank of banker suits good on me and I like it so much so wish me luck!

Name: Hamster

Current: News Reporter

Age: 13-14

Behave ness: yes I pretty behave well like mature in school they think im a man XD

Have you been a user for 4 months: of course! I joined in March! 2014!

Will younever rob the bank of DSGHQ: Nope, none even if they tell me they will give me money Irl

Are you willing to work as a dsghq banker: Yes! My whole dream was banker!

Hope I get it good luck to everyone! Thx Tennis And Damen :)

383 posts
Posted in The Royal DSGHQ News #13 • 22nd February 2015, 01:37 PM

Orbay wrote on 22nd February 2015 01:31 PM:
Hello everyone,
We are back with a new issue of the DSGHQ News! Now let's start, shall we?

Murder of Hashir and Sir Lulugreen: Clarkson, an infamous Blackhawk member, was controlled by Scarlet Myers (aka rover) and shot Hashir and Sir Lulugreen. Hashir is now known as Minty, and Sir Lulugreen is still known as sirlulugreen. Since Lulugreen was shot, people found this a chance to replace her. There are many imposters of Lulugreen. Some of these names are inappropriate. On the forums, Sir lulugreen wrote that her new OldCP account was still named sirlulugreen. The other lulugreens are imposters. Be aware of that.

Tennis has also made a discussion about this. His discussion perfectly explains gun safety

Link for Tennis's discussion:

Luke is back!: Luke, a recently banned user of the DSGHQ, is now unbanned. That's not it. After Luke was unbanned, he automatically received his moderator rank back! Luke can now serve the DSGHQ again! We are all happy that he returned!

Picture of Luke's promotion:

Picture of Luke's profile (note that he isn't banned anymore):

Krypto is/isn't Right: Kryptowolf, a former staff member, has recently made a post about people taking ranks too seriously.

According to the discussion, ranks are not everything. A rank is just a title, and it must not be taken seriously. There are people out there that would kill him/herself for a rank.

People agreed to him and his discussion received 20+ likes. Empror Damen had banned Krypto for criticizing the DSGHQ. But soon after that, Emperor Damen made a discussion apologizing for editing Krypto's discussion and unbanned Krypto.Emperor Damen's discussion received 50 likes! Not only that, Krypto was promoted to Master! Congratulations Kryptowolf!

Krypto's promotion screen:

Picture of Krypto's profile (note the Master rank):

Soon after that, Krypto has made a discussion stating that he was wrong and that he had no right no criticize a kids game. He received 17 likes on this post. Krypto wrote that we shouldn't write "oh, it's alright", but it is. Not many people own up to their mistakes.

Link for Damen's discussion about Krypto:

Link for Krypto's apology discussion:

Moth Priest Trials Results: 2 days ago, the Moth Priest Trials were held. I couldn't attend it, but Angi made a discussion about it. Nobody could have described it better.

This is what Angi wrote:

Tobler Moth Priest trial Results

Today in the DSGHQ, was the Trial of new Tobler Moth Priests. As you might already know, only the bravest, strongest warriors were chosen for finalists in this event. As the trial began the users who wanted to compete gathered in four groups for Moth ninja training. The four instructors were Tennis, Bashysmelly, Skippy, and Jesse. They have all been trained with swords in the past and they will now pass on their wisdom to the competitors. They were able to choose 6 finalists to prove themselves worthy to become a Moth Priest. The finalists are the following people.
Kris162, Frogs, Sleddy, ojackso, Cpmainiac, and Foxxeh.

Round 1

In round one, all of the competitors had to face Tennis.

With six thrilling battles the 6 finalists managed to survive through one minute. But, that wasn't the end....

Round 2

To start off round two, Bashysmelly was chosen to go against the finalists. He was going up against Kris162 first, for one minute and thirty seconds. In the middle of the round, Bashy was experiencing major lag and accidentally killed a bystander in the crowd. Sunwolf was stabbed to death unintentionally. As the battle continued Adawg, former free fighter, was chosen to battle the rest of the finalists. Adawg was on fire tonight and killed 5/6 finalists! Only Kris162 remained.

Round 3

In the final round of the entire trial, Kris162 was the only one who remained. He was given 100 lives and a helping hand from Jesse. They were to compete against Adawg, and Skippy for five minutes. Here is a picture before the battle, and during the battle.

As you can see, it was a challenge for all, but we managed to succeed in finding a Moth Priest.

In the end, Kris162 stood, and got promoted to Tobler Moth Priest. Congratulations Kris, and well fought!

Congratulations Kris162! You have showed your skill and proven yourself worthy of Moth Priest! We expect great things from you!

Link for Angi's post about the Moth Priest Trial:

Ellie's Resignation: Ellie, a moderator of OldCP, has resigned from her moderating duty. For the formal resignation, click here: However, this has led to confusion and people thinking that Ellie is leaving both OldCP and the forums. Ellie realized this, and made a discussion ( stating that she was just leaving OldCP, but not forums. People were relieved when they read it.

Adawg's promotion: Adawg was chosen to battle the finalists in Round 2 after the "accident" occured. Adawg killed 5/6 finalists. Because of his amazimg skills, he was promoted to Knight! Congratulations Adawg! Even though he is a Knight now, his rank is still Master. I currently have no idea why.

Zack's promotion: Zack, a fellow user of the DSGHQ, has been promoted to Master! Congratulations Zack! I wish you great luck on this new path of being a Master! You are now a role model for the Rookies and Members!

Picture of Zack's promotion screen:

Picture of Zack's profile (note the Master rank):

Sadie's demotion: Sadie, a loved and respected moderator of the DSGHQ, has been suspended from her moderating duty on OldCP. The reason for this was because she cussed. We are happy that is just temporary, but not permanent. Sadie made a discussion explaining why she was temporarily demoted and such. We are sad to see that she was temporarily demoted, and we hope that Emperor Damen overlooks everything quickly.

This is what Sadie wrote in her discussion:


As many of you know I've been demoted from Moderator on and the explanation was made very clear by Cyberwolf himself. However many of you are in disbelief and so am I, and I understand your confusion. This is all so hard to take in and truly it is horrific seeing a Moderator of any kind get demoted. In this discussion I'll fully discuss what happened and what lead to the demotion itself.

Why I was Demoted

I was demoted because I cussed. Cussing as in bad language. This wasn't any ordinary cuss word though it was the 'f-bomb' which is a major word and it shouldn't of been said by me, or anyone else. However this doesn't make me a bad person as we all make mistakes in our lives.

My Punishment

My punishment was a tad bit generous if I do say so myself. My punishment was a suspension until Damen overlooks everything. To be honest this punishment is a tad bit to nice, and call me nuts but I do however believe the rules should apply to everyone even myself. My actions of cussing lead to this, and the suspension is very kind of Cyberwolf, but in all honesty I do believe the punishment should be permanent or simply the banning of my OldCP account (sarabareille).


In conclusion this demotion doesn't make me a bad person whatsoever. I'm still here and I understand the rules. Due to this action of mine please don't think you can cuss too as it is truly not tolerated. My actions lead to horrific punishments so I highly recommend not following my put steps there. As for Moderator Training it may be cancelled or possibly taken over by and Moderator willing to help out newer users wanting to obtain greatness. Due to my demotion don't think I wont watch for bad users. Though I did cuss I know better. I will still be a Moderator at heart, and I will report any users that need to be reported. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns on behalf of my demotion please feel free to talk, but don't say anything negative, thank you.
-Sincerely, Sadie-

Link for Sadie's discussion:

New Wise Ones: The DSGHQ now has new wise ones: 1 on forums, and 3 on OldCP. Sophia is now a wise one on the forums! Congratulations Sophia! Your words of wisdom will affect the DSGHQ! Now for the ones on OldCP: BAKON, OoBubblesoO, and Sampopxxx101 are officially spreading their words of wisdom in Oldcp! Congratulations!

Picture of Sophia's promotion screen:

Picture of Sophia's profile (note the Wise rank):

Name Changes: The names of certain users have been changed. Here is the list:

Sledder's name is now Sled

CpManiac's name is now Maniac

Frogs name is now Max

Maniac's Promotion: Maniac, a trusted user of the DSGHQ, has earned his Moderator rank back once again! Congratulations Maniac! You will now protect OldCP from rule breakers!

Maniac's current profile in-game (note the moderator rank):

Promotion of inactive account: Seth The Legend, an account that was last online at 2nd January 2015, has been promoted to Master! Tbh, I have no idea why this account was promoted to Master. Nobody has been on it for A MONTH.I think it isn't used anymore. Well, congratulations!

Picture of Seth The Legend's promotion screen:

Picture of Seth The Legend's profiel (note the Master rank):

Ask Orbay: DId you ever have a question you wanted to ask me? Now you can! Send me your questions via message and I will answer it! And your name will also be published!

This week: I have received no questions. But I know someone will send me a question for next week!

Well, that was the end of this issue. It took me 4 hours to make! So much stuff happened! I hope you enjoyed it!


I'll work hard like you did on my next news :)

383 posts
Posted in Always A Reason • 22nd February 2015, 10:57 AM

Wintersummer wrote on 22nd February 2015 10:11 AM:

I have seen people saying,''I got banned for no reason!'' Honestly why would a mod just ban you or ip ban you for no reason? It has to be a reason why would you get banned for no reason? Maybe you didn't notice you were doing something bad. Or maybe some people might lie to get unbanned but don't lie, When you lie it creates it worse.

So PLEASE don't lie, Thanks.



[This is a good post, but people say they were banned for a reason so they could be unbanned they think they're wise but we catch them!